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Group News


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Media Highlights

Our technique for detecting microplastics and the ERC proof-of-concept are covered in various media outlets. 


Microparticle Classification and Single-Cell Analysis

We simultaneously detect geometric and electrical sizes of single microparticles and cells to obtain their internal permittivity properties. Open-access at Advanced Materials. 

PhD Defense

Mohammed Alkhaled Ph.D. Defense

Mohammed Alkhaled has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in September 2023. 

Nano Letters

Atmospheric-Pressure Mass Spec with Single Mode Nanoelectromechanical Systems now online at Nano Letters.

The article is also highlighted as ACS Editors' Choice.  

Upcoming Talks
Conference Event

Upcoming Invited Talks and Seminars, Spring 2023

  • Boston University, 14 April 2023

  • Bioelectrodynamics Webinar (Online), 24 March 2023

  • Stanford University, 1 June 2023

  •  EIBPN , San Francisco, 2 June 2023

  • NanoTR 17, Izmir, Turkey, 27-29 August 2023 

ERC Proof of Concept
Plastic Polluted Ocean

ERC Proof of Concept Project

Our proposal to develop entirely electronic sensors for microplastic detection in water resources is selected by funding under the ERC Proof of Concept Program. We are looking for team members and collaborators. 


Dynamical Microchannels for Cargo Delivery

Our work lead by Dr. Hashim Alhmoud, on a dynamically deformable fully-elastic microfluidic platform for the mechanical deformation of cells and subsequent intracellular cargo delivery has been published in RSC Lab on a Chip. This platform presents exciting prospects for the fields of Cell Gene Therapy and Tissue Engineering.

Award - MNE
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Best Poster Award in MNE 2022 Conference

Mohammed and Batu received the best poster award in the nanofabrication/manufacturing of functional surfaces/structures category in the Micro Nano Engineering 2022 Conference. 


We presented our work in various conferences in summer 2022. Uzay talked about recent microwave/microfluidics results, and Hashim presented his cell manipulation micro-tool in SelectBio Lab-on-a-chip and Microfluidics conference. 

Dr. Hanay delivered invited talks in NMC2022 and CMD 29 Nanomechanical and electromechanical systems mini colloqium. 


Our paper on self-focusing, ambient NEMS mass spec technology for sensing single nanoparticles and viruses is published at ACS Nano. 

The paper is also selected as ACS Editor's Choice.
Congrats all authors !


Dr. Hanay received the Incentive Award from TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey) in the field of Physics for his research contributions to nanomechanical systems. 


Dr. Hanay received the Research Incentive Award from IEEE Turkey section, for his contributions to sensors based on NEMS and microwave resonator technologies. 


First in-person conference after two years... we have presented our vacuum-free NEMS Mass Spec work at the NanoBioTech Montreux conference 2021 edition. Many thanks to organizers !


Our entry is among the winners of the
image contest in Transducers 2021 conference. Congratulations Berke Demiralp and collaborators! Click to reach our proceeding for this conference: 10.1109/Transducers50396.2021.9495591 


Two micrographs from our research group have received awards at the 2021 Raith Micrograph Awards. Buckling work (in collaboration with Dr. Cenk Yanik, SUNUM) received the 2nd place while NEMS resonators received honorable mention. 

Invited Talks
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Dr. Hanay has delivered an invited online seminar at Center for Nano Science and Engineering of India and an online colloquium talk at TU Delft.  

Microfluidics-Integrated Microwave Sensors MIMS "Radar for Cells"

Dr. Hanay gave an invited talk at the IEEE NEMS conference within the special section of Single Cell Analysis. The talk will feature our recent results using Microfluidics-Integrated Microwave Sensors (MIMS). A. Secme, H. Pisheh, HD Uslu, RT Erdogan, in collaboration with O Akbulut  and Prof. Ozgur Sahin

NEMS MEMS Buckling Nanoelectromechanical Systems

Our paper on the Electrostatic Control of Nanoscale Buckling has been published in Physical Review Letters as an Editor's Selection, and available at 
Physical Review Letters.

There is also a nice APS Focus Piece about the article:

Buckling on Command 

Nonlinear NEMS Sensing Single Nanoparticle

Our paper on Nonlinear Nanomechanical Mass Spectrometry is now accepted and available at Nano Letters.
Here we developed Trajectory Locked Loops (TLLs) to characterize 20nm Gold Nanoparticles. The code is also available in the SI part. 


Selim gave a Dream Chemistry Lecture at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. 


Seminar Guest

We had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Sébastien Hentz from CEA-LETI in the context of UNAM Seminar Seriers.  


We have attended the Frontiers in Nanoscience (FNS2019) Conference in Palm Springs. Selim gave an invited talk, while Mert and Utku presented their posters.


Our work on using Nonlinear NEMS Resonators for Mass Spectrometry of 20 nm Gold Nanoparticles is now on Arxiv. 

This paper also contains Trajectory Locked Loop (TLL) architecture for the closed loop control of nonlinear NEMS.  Congratulations Mert!

Poster Award
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Mohammed Alkhaled received the second place award in the Bilmech Research Day Conference.

Teaching Award

Selim received the Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Award for 2018. 

Inspiration Award

Selim received the Most Inspiring Professor Award selected by the graduating ME Class of '18.

Older News

NMC 2018 conference
Our group had two talks in the NMC 2018 conference in Korea. Arda Secme presented our work on  multimode microwave sensors for cell size and position determination.
Mert Yuksel talked about our multimode mechanical resonators for different sensing applications. 
Visit of Prof. Anja Boisen
We had the pleasure of hosting Prof. Anja Boisen from DTU in our department's Distinguished Seminar Series. She gave a fantastic talk on micro-containers for drug delivery, as well as, several sensor technologies for lab-on-a-disc platform. 
New Paper:
Taylor Expanding a Molecule on NEMS
We have mapped out the relationship between the Taylor Expansion of a molecule's shape around its center and the corresponding multimodal response it induces on a NEMS resonator. We have exploited this relationship to reverse calculate the spatial properties and reconstruct the inertial image of an analyte. The paper has the title: Mass Spectrometry Using Nanomechanical Systems: Beyond the Point-Mass Approximation. It has been published in NanoLetters. The work has been done in collaboration with John Sader (University of Melbourne and Caltech) who lead the research, as well as Adam Neumann and Michael Roukes at Caltech.    
New Paper:
Resonant Nanowires on Thick MEMS
We have detected the resonance motion of thin nanowires embedded in a much thicker MEMS structure. The paper has been published in the Journal of Micromechanics & Microengineering. The work has been done in collaboration with the Leblebici group at EPFL and the Alaca group at the Koç University. 
New Paper: Microave Imaging Lab on a Chip
Our article, Towards Microwave Imaging of Cells, has been accepted for publication in the journal Lab on a Chip. You can reach it by clicking here. 
In the paper, we show how to obtain cell size and location in a microfluidic system by exciting and measuring two modes of a microwave resonator. 
Congratulations to our microwave team on their truly collaborative effort: Mehmet Kelleci, Hande Aydoğmuş, Levent Aslanbaş and Selçuk Erbil. 
ERC Starting Grant 2017
Dr. Hanay has been awarded by an ERC Starting Grant. The title of the project is Resonant Electromagnetic Microscopy: Imaging Cells Electronically. If you want to join our adventure to develop a Radar for Cells as a post-doc or grad students, please send your CV to Dr. Hanay. 
GEBIP 2017 Award
Dr. Hanay has received GEBIP 2017 award
(Outstanding Young Scientist Award by Turkish Academy of Sciences.) 


New Paper: Multidomain Model for NEMS 
Prof. Alper Demir has developed a general framework which can analyze NEMS oscillators by combining the lumped elements for the circuit components and the distributed nature of mechanical vibrations (and delay lines) in the same model. Phase noise analysis for the combined NEMS oscillator model is also performed. This paper titled Numerical Analysis of Multi-Domain Systems: Coupled Nonlinear PDEs & DAEs with Noise will be published in IEEE TCAD and early access preprint is available on the IEEE website. 


Arxiv Preprint - Mode Shape Perturbation
Mert Yuksel and Dr. Hanay have a new preprint on calculating deviations from the ideal mode shapes of a NEMS resonator due to the adsorption of analytes. The preprint is available on the Arxiv server. This work also has implications for the negative effects of surface roughness for multimode sensing. We are grateful for the support of European Commission FP7 Marie Curie Program. 


Most Inspiring Professor Award
Dr. Hanay was selected as the most inspiring professor by the ME graduating class of 2017. We thank the students for this meaningful award. 
BAGEP 2017 Award
Dr. Hanay has received BAGEP 2017 award
(Young Scientist Award by The Science Academy, Turkey). 

Review Paper 
An open-access review paper on Nanoscale Motion Transduction is now available through this link. The paper was written in collaboration with Prof. Kouh and Prof. Ekinci. It contains recently developed near-field, optomechanical and microwave-cavity based techniques. 


NMC 2017 Conference
The NMC conference this year had a focus on sensing at the Quantum Limit. Dr. Hanay gave an invited talk in the NMC 2017 conference about Inertial Imaging with mechanical resonators and Impedance Imaging with electromagnetic resonators.


Arxiv Preprint - Impedance Imaging
The preprint of our latest work on impedance imaging is available on Arxiv server . We are grateful for the indirect support of European Commission FP7 Marie Curie Program. 


Reversible Computation 2016 Conference

Selcuk and Mert have attended the Reversible Computation 2016 conference in Bologna, Italy. Our work on CSWAP gate design with nanomechanical buckling was presented. The paper can be accessed
this link and a preprint is here.

NMC 2016

Our group has attended the NMC2016 conference (Delft, The Netherlands) with six poster presentations by Cagatay, Hande, Ezgi, Mehmet, Selcuk and Levent. In the conference, Atakan gave a talk on nanoscale energy sinks. 


Courtesy of Roy Bijster

NMC 2015

Our group has contributed to the NMC2015 conference with four poster presentations by Cagatay Karakan, Atakan Ari, Mustafa Kara and Selim Hanay. In the conference, Atakan Ari won the Best Flash Presentation award. 


BilMech Research Day 2015
The first organization to bring together the graduate researchers in the Bilkent ME department was held in June 19th, 2015. Cagatay Karakan won the Best Poster Award in the event (together with Stefan Ristevski). We congratulate Cagatay and his collaborators.
New Article in Nature Nanotechnology


Our work which originated in Roukes group and developed in a collaboration with Caltech and University of Melbourne has just been published at Nature Nanotechnology. The title of the article is Inertial Imaging with Nanomechanical Systems. Other authors are Scott Kelber (coprimary), Cathal O'Connell (coprimary), Paul Mulvaney, John Sader (corresponding) and Michael Roukes (corresponding). 


Damla Ozkapici and Elif Asar have won the Tubitak 2209/A Fellowships. 


Undergraduate students from our lab, Damla and Elif, have each won the Tubitak Research Grant for undergraduate students (Tubitak 2209-A). We congratulate them on their achievement. 


Condensed Matter Physics Meeting / Ankara


Dr. Hanay gave an invited talk in the 20th Condensed Matter Physics Meeting. The event has taken place at the Hacettepe University.  


Arda Seçme has won the Tübitak 2209/A


Arda Secme has won the Tubitak Research Grant for undergraduate students (Tubitak 2209-A). We congratulate him on his achievement. 




Our group has received the Tubitak 1003 Primary Subject R&D Grant. We will collaborate with the group of Prof. Donus Tuncel (Chemistry), Prof. Oznur Tastan (CS) and Prof. Ali Gure (MB&G) to develop electronic nose systems based on NEMS technology.

OMNT 2014 Conference

Group members (Çağatay and Dr. Hanay) has attended the International Seminar on Nanomechanical Systems on July 1st in Paris. Dr. Hanay gave an invited talk in the conference. The conference was organized by The Observatory for Micro and NanoTechnologies (OMNT) in France.

NMC 2014

Dr. Hanay has attended the Nanomechanical Sensing Conference in Madrid where our recent work with in collaboration with Caltech (Roukes group) and University of Melbourne (John Sader) was highlighted by a plenary talk by Michael Roukes.

MSACL 2014

Dr. Hanay, has given a presentation in the 2014 MSACL Conference (Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Laboratory). 




Dr. Hanay has received the Tubitak 3501 Career Development Grant. 


Marie Curie Fellowship

Dr. Hanay has received Marie-Curie Career Integration Grant from the Europen Council. The grant is designed to facilitate the transition back to the Europe Research Area under the FP7 program. 


Dr. Hanay has attended MEMS-TR'13 and gave a presentation on the Brokerage Event on the MEMS and Microsystems Technologies at METU. 



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